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Home Nurse Examining Patient

Community Nursing

Are you an NDIS participant? You need a great nursing care professional to take care of you or your loved one!


Being caring, kind, and understanding are just some of the most important prerequisites to being a health care professional. Although kindness is one of the major attributes that drive one to pursue a career in the health care industry, this does not mean that all kind-hearted people can be a nursing care professional.

Working in the health care industry goes beyond being able to hold your temper in difficult situations. It is not all about giving the standard service to every person under their care.


Great nursing care professionals go beyond protocols to ensure that the amount of care and service they provide is suited to their patient’s specific needs.


Health care professionals must also have a set of attributes and qualities before they are even granted a license to do the job.

Community nursing services can assist with:

  • Medication

  • Wound care

  • Hygiene

  • Showering or dressing


Community nursing services can help to restore or maintain your health and independence at home and assist you to avoid early admittance to hospital or residential care.​

COMFORCARE  will provide a registered nurse to assess your clinical need for nursing and/or personal care services.

A registered nurse will then determine, in consultation with you, the number, type and frequency of nursing and/or personal care services you need.​


These will be monitored and reviewed at least monthly by a registered nurse to ensure the care you receive is appropriate to your clinical needs

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