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Home Modification

To make homes safer and better suited to one’s current abilities, home modifications need to be done. While it may sound like an exciting feat, without help from the government or other organizations, the entire home modification process can come as a challenge. And if not handled correctly, it can also get very expensive.


To make matters worse, finding home modifications providers can be very exhausting as there are rules and regulations that one must comply for the modifications to be considered legal and safe.

Good thing there are NDIS home modifications providers in Sydney you can count on.

What Is an NDIS Home Modification Provider?

Implemented by the National Disability Insurance Agency, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a means of providing individualized support for Australians with permanent and significant disabilities that affect their ability to do or participate in day to day activities. Australians who meet the requirements of this privilege can receive the support they need to access benefits and community services designed for them. One is home modifications, which are being offered by NDIA accredited home modification providers.

Not everyone is eligible to receiving home modification services. To determine whether home modifications are necessary and that any changes represent value for money, the NDIA usually checks and considers the following:

  • Whether the proposed or recommended home modifications represent value for money, especially when compared to other low-cost alternatives

  • Whether the proposed home modifications are more cost-effective, especially when compared to the costs of other supports, such as assistance with the cost of moving to accessible premises

  • The expected tenure length for participants and whether this is commensurate to the cost of the home modifications

What Home Modification Providers Do

NDIS home modifications providers deliver cost-effective modification solutions for the beneficiaries of the NDIS. They help disabled individuals live independently and safely in their own homes by modifying the home structure to create an environment that maximises the person’s safety.

The types of modifications that NDIS home modifications providers offer vary. But in general, they range from the basic ones, such as the installation of handrails, step-wedges, grab-rails, and widened doorways, to the most complex modifications, such as the installation of ramps and the modification of kitchens and bathrooms.

The aim of these providers is to simply create a safe and secure home for Australians with disabilities. To fulfill that goal, the following services are usually being offered:

Bathroom Modifications

Bathroom modifications may be done to provide ease of amenity use, as well as to maximise safety. These modifications may include installing hand-held showers, transfer chairs, towel bars, safety rails, shower benches, push-button door openers, and automated lighting.

Access and Mobility

Providers supply and install access ramps, chair lifts, elevators, and handrails to ease movement in and around the home. Slip-resistant coating may also be applied to floors to reduce the risks of slipping that may result in injuries.

Kitchen Modifications

Kitchen modifications may include anything from adjusting the countertop heights, installing automated lighting, and installing accessible appliances.

Property Landscaping and Maintenance

Some NDIS home modification providers also take care of repairs and maintenance. They may improve and clean external home spaces as well, offering gutter cleaning and landscaping services.

The following modifications are not funded by the NDIA:

  • The fittings, materials, and fixtures are above standard grade;

  • The installation of spas and swimming pools;

  • Repairs to damage to the home that is discovered during the modification stage;

  • Any ongoing maintenance and repairs to non-specialized structures or fittings;

  • Remediation of work that does not comply with the work specifications or did not comply with the Australian Building Code;

  • Capital building additions, including new rooms, lifts, stories, or inclinators to grant access to multiple home levels. (case-to-case basis)

COMFORCARE have the NDIS registered builder who can handle all types of home modifications required for your home with minimal disturbance to you and as quick as possible to get you back on track.

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