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What is NDIS ?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides people under the age of 65 who have a permanent and significant disability with funding for supports and services. The NDIS provides people with a disability with the help they need to live independently and achieve their goals.

The NDIS takes a lifetime approach, it not only provides immediate assistance to participants in order to lead an ordinary life from day-to-day, but it also funds supports to help build the skills necessary to live more independently in future.

Everybody has different needs and goals. The NDIS provides individual plans to each participant, and choice and control over which services they receive and from where. NDIS plans will be reviewed on a regular basis, typically every year, to assess whether goals are being achieved and needs are being met. This will determine the funding amounts for supports in the next plan.

Funding amounts are based on what’s ‘reasonable’ and ‘necessary’ for participants to achieve their goals. Whether they have help from friends, family and other government supports will also be taken into account. With that in mind, NDIS funding is broken up into separate budgets, and the approved amounts in each will differ from participant to participant.

Handicap businessman giving high-five to

How To Get NDIS Funding?

Laptop and Phone


Call NDIA on 1800 800 110 and provide them with details about yourself and your disability

Man Writing


Fill out a planning document and meet your Local Area Coordinator or NDIS Planner

Hand Reaching Out


Contact us to receive supports and services from Comforcare 

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